Unable to Create Users in E-Business Suite After Implementing SSO/OID

1 min read
Apr 15, 2008

I recently implemented OID/SSO with E-Business Suite 11.5.10 CU2, and experienced some issues after the entire setup went smoothly. I hope this note might help others troubleshoot, as it took me a while to figure out the root cause of the problem.


  1. E-Business Suite Version 11.5.10 CU2
  2. 10G Version

You have done the install and everything went fine. After the bounce you see the following:

  1. Login from a remote location
  2. Navigate to Administrator System –> Security –> User –> create
  3. Enter username and save. The error occurs.
Unable to call fnd_ldap_wrapper.create_user due to the following reason:
ORA-20001: Unable to call fnd_ldap_wrapper.create_user due to the following reason:
An unexpected error occured . Please contact System Administrator..(USER_NAME=OIDTEST)

Cause 1

This error is misleading. Make sure you use both numeric and alphanumeric characters in the “password” as that’s the policy for OID passwords by default.

Cause 2

oidsrv might be down.


  1. check if OID is up using a ldapbind command
  2. check if the infra database is up and connecting: sqlplus ods/password@infradb
  3. check if the oid processes from ORACLE has the correct owners, see Metalink note 361800.1, workaround A


  1. $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc process-type=OID
  2. ps -ef | grep oid — If there are still some oidmon and oidldapd processes, kill them.
  3. ls -ltr $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oid*
  4. cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    chown root oidldapd
    chdmod 0710 oidldapd
    chmod u+s oidldapd
  5. Move all the logs from $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/log
  6. Connect via sqlplus like SYS: truncate table ods.ods_process;
  7. $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc process-type=OID
  8. ps -ef | grep oid

Unless something else is the culprit, the above approaches will resolve this issue.

Balraj S.

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