How Pythian helped a company migrate 1,100 websites to GCP in just 30 days

1 min read
Apr 2, 2019

When VerticalScope, a Canadian digital media and entertainment firm, wanted to automate the cloud migration of their digital assets and inventory, they came to Pythian for help with accelerating the process. VerticalScope operates a large number of high-traffic websites and wanted to standardize its underlying infrastructure by migrating them all to Google Cloud Platform (GCP). However, the disparate architectures, configurations, versions and other factors were complicating the project and the company had a tight timeline of only 30 days in which to complete everything. "We definitely didn’t have the luxury of time, so we knew we needed a partner with the right skills and expertise to have any hope of meeting our deadline. We found that in Pythian,” said Brandon Seibel, Chief Architect at VerticalScope. The disparate architectures meant that the migration could not be fully automated. Each migration for each site had to be customized, making the process more complex, but Pythian’s cloud migration experts were able to introduce some automation. Pythian’s engineers wrote scripts to automate some of the prep work that happens before a site migration. Pythian’s team members from across the globe worked around the clock, advancing the project in shifts based on time zones. As a result, migrated sites were fully ready for cutover at the start of business hours and VerticalScope experienced zero downtime. With Pythian’s support, VerticalScope met their migration deadline with no impact on users. The company now has a solid foundation from which it can grow and can take full advantage of GCP benefits such as flexibility, scalability and cost-efficiency. Read the full story about how Pythian’s cloud migration experts automated and accelerated VerticalScope’s migration to GCP.

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