Pythian at Google Next 2018: who and why

4 min read
Jul 19, 2018

Pythian has a longstanding reputation for invading major conferences in the technology and business areas of our services focus and Google NEXT in San Francisco next week is no exception. Google Next I thought it would be cool to share a bit of history behind our tradition and why we have a small army of Pythianites showing up, to show the love (like love your data) of our Google partnership - from our CEO to our many technology experts. First of all, the amount of work we've been doing on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) has been growing exponentially in the last couple of years and it's incredible how much interest the platform generates among our customers. For example, today we announced that Pythian has achieved its Google Cloud Platform Specialization in Infrastructure. We’re proud of this achievement as it speaks to our proven expertise in helping our clients. Google NEXT is where we get to meet a lot of our existing (and future) clients as well as many of the awesome members of Google sales and supporting teams that we normally see during virtual meetings. It's always exciting to learn about new things as they get announced. It's especially cool when it happens with alpha products that we often get a chance to work on -- seeing it announced live is something special. Meeting product managers and key members of Google engineering face to face is invaluable -- again, normally we only see their faces on the screen, and it’s another plus on the partnership side that these folks are so accessible to us and that we’re recognized as having enough tech chops to be invited to participate in these valuable interactions. Google is also a leader in the open-source community and this is near and dear to Pythian's heart and, with our strong ties to technical communities - we’ve always held engineering opinions high up. A significant part of this community will be at Google NEXT! Oh... and Google's commitment to open-source is yet another reason why we are so aligned with Google's cloud strategy. Conferences are an excellent place to learn and hone technical chops for senior engineers who often see less value in training courses and other traditional education. Google NEXT has awesome technical content not only generally about cloud but also AI and machine learning, which is the focus of my Enterprise Data Science team. As a result, much of my team will be there too. GCP is often called the leading cloud when it comes to building AI applications. Customers continually share that Google's AI and Big Data capabilities are often the reasons they choose GCP. It’s fun, challenging and exciting work to build AI products on GCP and we enjoy showing what we’re working on so we are going to demo our cool data platform product as well as show off some cool demos like our gameplay video toxicity detection demo. You will find us in booth #S1324 of the exhibition area of Moscone South -- we are keen to chat about the ins and outs and the details of what we do and why/how we do it. I must emphasize that partnering with Google has been a blast over the last four years and a very rewarding experience -- we get to apply cool technology to solve interesting business problems while our customers see how cloud transforms their business and how data insights change the way they work. We can’t imagine being anywhere else to shout from the rooftops about how much we love Google. Gotta show some respect, eh? Finally, conferences are always a great place to meet like-minded people in your profession. This applies internally and externally. In fact, because my data science team is so global and spread out, it's the best opportunity for many of us to get together in one place -- it doesn't happen too often, and we’re going to make it a ‘must’ at Google NEXT for years to come. I couldn’t begin to list all the other great reasons why attending Google NEXT is such a great idea. If you are at Google NEXT, then you must have your own very good reasons to be there (care to share in the comments?) and there is a very good chance you’ll bump into one of us - in the presentations, social events, as well as in the exhibition area (make sure to find us there!). Watch for the “Love Your Data” t-shirts roaming around and stay tuned to our blog, our Twitter feed and our LinkedIn feed as we will be covering things we see and like and find cool at Google NEXT, live throughout the conference (as well as announcing our own big news). And our very own VP of Business Development will deliver a session titled Solution Selling Mindset – Moving from Product to Solution Selling on Monday, July 23, 2018 at 11:00 am PDT (room number 310-314). Oh... and if you want to meet with anyone of us here, here are some names to put with the faces you’ll find - reach out to Vanessa at to get connected: Our business and technology leadership:
  • Paul Vallée - our fearless CEO. Yep. The man.
  • Vanessa Simmons - leads Business Development. Our success with Google is in big part her fault (not that she complains!)
  • Keith Millar - owns the whole Pythian service business. Not a small feat.
  • Adam Muise - our Cloud CTO, and new face on the scene, wholeheartedly supporting the partnership
  • Alex Gorbachev - that's me and today I lead Enterprise Data Science delivery and teams at Pythian.
Our customer leadership:
  • Jezriel Zapata - west coast sales
  • Ivana Pirochtová - partner management in EMEA
  • Elliot Zissman - regional lead EMEA
  • Ted Maslach - regional lead North America
  • Jared Leuschen - west coast sales
  • Nathan Simmons - west coast sales
  • Ben Abbey - east coast/central/canada sales
  • Henry Tang - east coast/central/canada sales
Our engineering leadership in cloud architecture, machine learning, big data and software engineering:
  • John Laham - GCP solutions architect
  • Kartick Sekar - GCP solutions architect
  • Paul Spiegelhalter - data scientist
  • Carlos Timoteo - data scientist
  • Ekaba Bisong - data scientist
  • Devin Sit - data science software engineer
  • Danil Zburivsky - big data/analytics/platform product lead
  • Nelson Calero - lead database consultant
Or leave a comment below and we can set up a time to meet at our booth #S1324 (or just show up). See you there starting Sunday!  

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